About Me

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
                  - Aristotle

Himanshu Jain is the Founder and Manager of the Cybersecurity Club at the G.L. Bajaj Institute Of Technology and Management, Greater Noida, taking initiatives to form a community of security enthusiasts and giving talks to spread awareness about the latest research in the area. He is also a member of the Web & Coding Club, one of the largest college-level programming clubs in India which provides mentorship to students as well as a platform to showcase their skills.

Himanshu is a rising senior at G.L.Bajaj Institute Of Technology and Management, majoring in Computer Science & Engineering. He was awarded many times for his exceptional performance in various Technical Events and is currently among the top 10 in the Computer Science department. He also ranked 2nd among 1000 students in District Level Movie Making Competition.

When not busy with college work, Himanshu spends his time participating in Capture the Flag competitions, where his favourite categories are Reverse Engineering and Pwning. He is primarily interested in Software & Systems security, Network security but likes to take on any challenge he finds interesting. He is very passionate about computer security and is mostly self-taught in the area. He hopes to do some ground-breaking security research later in his life.

Himanshu loves to think, read, listen to and analyze new ideas and opinions. He firmly believes that creativity, imagination, and ideas can change the world. He watches every TED talks he comes across and dreams of giving one himself someday.

In his spare time, you will find him listening to Music or watching his all time favourite show - Impractical Jokers.

Himanshu is always interested in collaborating on projects and discussing ideas. Email him if you’d like to get in touch.


“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
                         - Henry Ford

You will be happy to know that I have completed over 20+ projects successfully!

Download Resume            


“Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”
       - Steve Jobs

Some of the significant aptitudes which will assist me with achieving your objectives.







React Native/Flutter













Being Computer Science undergraduate student of G.L Bajaj Institute Of Technology and Management,Greater Noida my coursework includes

  • Data Structure and Algorithms.
  • Operating System.
  • Computer Networks.
  • Compilers.

Before getting into Computer Science, I was shown essentials of Science.
Accomplishing 67.2% percentile in Board Examination with 91/100 marks in Computer Science, my coursework incorporates

  • Physics.
  • Chemistry.
  • Mathematics.
  • Information Practices.

Work Experience

GitHub Feb 2018 - 2019

Campus Ambassador
To engage in outreach to students at the campus about GitHub’s study resources, courses, opportunities, and to support all campus workshops by GitHub.


  • Ranked 1st in AKTU Zonal Level Coding Competition
  • Ranked 3rd in AKTU State Level Coding Competition
  • Gold Badge At Hackerrank : Problem Solving, CPP
  • Codechef Highest Rating:
  • Codeforces Highest Rating:
  • Ranked 2nd in CSI Coding Event at GLBAJAJ
  • Founder and Manager | CSE Cybersecurity Club - GLBITM
  • Speaker at Workshop Of Github By GoogleDSC (GLBAJAJ)
  • Teaching Data Structures and Algorithms to Juniors at GLBAJAJ


On the off chance that you might want to connect with me, be it for investigating innovation, business, or to simply say hello, don't hesitate to send me an email at jainhimanshu131@gmail.com

Visit my blog programming dairies.